Do’s & Don’ts To Make Your Business Hot…And Enjoy Your Summer!
As we head into summer and our thoughts turn to fun in the sun, family vacations, and days at the beach… or wherever you might enjoy spending your leisure time… I want to encourage you to step back and take a look at your client acquisition process.
If you are like a lot of business owners I meet, you have some procedures in place to attract customers. You may or may not have some follow-up in place. And because often things are cyclical—you work on getting leads, then switch to trying to convert them. Then switch back to focusing on getting leads again. A lot of it is manually done. And, because you are missing some of the pieces, sometimes things fall through the cracks.
This not only leaves you vulnerable to your competition stealing your business, but it’s stressful waking up remembering the things you forgot to do. Plus it leaves your business running on a revenue roller-coaster.
Let’s face it. That’s no way to live. Stressed out all the time. Worrying about what didn’t get done. Wondering if you’ll have enough customers next month. Wanting more out of life and your business. Wanting to take that summer vacation with your family, and not disappoint them again this year.
So here’s a list of “do’s and don’ts” that will not only reduce your stress level, but will make your business run red hot year round, even when you step away from your business.
Don’t do it half-way. If you have a lead generation system in place, but not a follow-up system, you are spinning your wheels. As Dan Kennedy said in a recent blog, “If you go to all the trouble to get leads and then ignore them, you might as well not have gotten them in the first place.”
Don’t limit your media. Dan Kennedy often talks about the dangers of only using one media. In addition to the dangers, leveraging a variety of media from Facebook ads to email to direct mail will make it near impossible for your prospects to ignore. Plus because the majority of your competitors will only be using one media, you will blow away the competition.
Don’t make appointments and sales dependent on you (or your staff.) You need an automatic system—not a manual one—that consistently, reliably follows up with each and every lead in an efficient, predictable way, day-in day-out, whether or not you are there. Sure you can give a list of leads to a sales person and tell them to call to follow-up. But what happens if they didn’t reach the prospect? What if they don’t reach them and they are taking a few days off? You might miss your window of opportunity.
Do it quick. There is no virtue in doing things slow. The sooner you get systems in place, the faster you’ll be able to enjoy more freedom and less stress. Dragging out the process means you’re more likely to forget a critical element. It also ends up prolonging the rewards of better customers and bigger profits.
Do create a reliable list-building system. In Dan’s article, Two Mistakes To Avoid When It Comes To Your Most Valuable Business Asset, he says that the most valuable asset a business has is its customer list. You should continuously be working on building this list. To make it easier, put something automatic in place so it’s working for you around-the-clock.
Do use templates and tools. This goes hand in hand with “Do it quick.” This not only makes it much faster to get things in place, but by using tools and templates, you ensure things will work and are repeatable.
When you get your business running efficiently, effectively and automatically, your business will always be humming along attracting your ideal prospects and immediately converting them into buyers
That means you’ll stop struggling and have more time to enjoy life.
Not sure where to start? To celebrate summer, and for a limited time, I’m offering the Expert Positon Marketing Strategy session at an incredible 75% discount. For more information and the see if you qualify for a strategy session, click here.
Schedule your Expert Position Marketing Strategy Session today by clicking here and in just a few hours of working “on” your business you’ll eliminate hundreds of hours working “in” your business.